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Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

  1. The right to obtain information about his/her conditions in terms he/she can understand.

  2. The right to information about his/her care before giving consent.

  3. The right to treatment within the organization.

  4. The right to considerate and respectful care.

  5. The right to refuse treatment.

  6. The right to continuity of care.

  7. The right to privacy and confidentiality of medical condition and medical records.

  8. The right to examine and receive an explanation of his/her bill.

  9. The right to file a grievance.

  10. The right to know the rules and regulations of the company that applies to his/her responsibility as a patient/client.

  11. The right to know how to contact his/her equipment company after hours or in an emergency.​


  1. The patient/client has a responsibility to follow the rules and regulations of the company that is providing equipment/care.

  2. The responsibility to provide correct and complete information.

  3. The responsibility to comply with instructions.

  4. The responsibility for actions when refusing treatment.

  5. The responsibility for care of equipment.

  6. The patient/client is responsibility for the care and maintenance of rental equipment while in their possession.

  7. The responsibility to fulfill financial obligations.

  8. The responsibility to be respectful and considerate to those providing them with care.

  9. The responsibility to keep company informed of changes of address, phone numbers, changes in health insurance coverage and/or other contact information on a timely basis.

  10. The responsibility to inform company when equipment/service is no longer needed or being used by patient.

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